Friday, April 20, 2012

when your phone is messed up..

you feel like:
  • your world is falling apart
  • you'll never get over this
  • like your best friend died 
  • you can't cope
  • the tear will never stop
its so funny how i get, I'm sure most of you could relate. part of me really wishes i wasn't like this. 
our cell phone are communication with the people in our lives. its like telling someone, you can't talk to them anymore. our phones help us lead our lives to the extent that we do. i would miss technology a lot. :) 

what spurred on was an iCloud mishap. Kaylee thought she was just deleting the contacts off her phone but because we have the same iTunes account it did the same on my phone. so as i was trying to fix it, the computer made my phone hers and i lost everything and it was replaced by her stuff. thankfully i fixed that but the contacts were still deleted. any who i just laughed at myself because of how upset i got about it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

april showers bring may flowers

it's been a good while since i posted. 
christmas came and went.
not a single, solitary speck of snow all winter.
february and march came.
and here we are in april.
life is pretty sweet these days. i can't complain about much. i'm just in a good place! 
so much can be said its been such a busy month so far.
we have had lots of rain. and last week we had tornados in the area. 
not a lot of damage thankfully. but it was scary to see some so close to home.
although easter sunday was a blessing, i was saddened by the weather. it was cold and rainy. unlike last year our easter group pictures were not quite as fab. we stood under the awning with only grass for a colorful background unfortunately the flowers in the field did not bloom this year. i'm only slightly bitter about this. the day was a lot of fun in spite of the rain. 

we drove out to east texas a few weeks ago & i couldn't help enjoy the scenery. i love the texas bluebonnets and the way the air smells out there. i was just in awe and totally aware of GOD'S hand in it all. it was really cool. the drive out there are probably one of my most favorite things. its just you, the land and GOD out there its beautiful.